Wednesday, February 27, 2013

51 Followers. 0 Comments? and An Update

Okay, so, I have 51 followers, but... most of my posts get 0 comments. That's a little disheartening. Even if all 51 of my followers read these posts, I have no way of knowing.

So, I'd like to run a little experiment. If you're an active reader of this blog, comment on this post!

Anyway, here is a little update from my family.
A few weeks ago, we were called down to Santa Rosa, California for a week to candidate for the position of senior pastor at Calvary Assembly of God, as a follow up to an interview that my parents went to.
    We were voted in as the senior pastors upon a UNANIMOUS decision. That's UNHEARD OF! :D
    Anyway, for the last few weeks, we have been packing up our lives and preparing to move to the Sunshine State of California!
    Also, I started a new blog at Mostly to try and get a feel for the site. It is a more thoughtful blog and it's less book related, but some of you might enjoy it. There is a particular post that goes along with the process of moving to California. You can find it here.

Anyway, don't forget the experiment!

God bless,