Today is officially the last day of 2011!!! *holds for applause*
Something that I really want to ask is... what have you done this year to make a difference in this world and make your life count?
Good things and bad things have happened to me during 2011.
This past year, I am thankful that God has given me opportunity after opportunity to share His Written Word with people. He has shown me wonderful new things and has let me experience Him in a way like never before!
Especially this last summer camp that me and my youth group attended. I can say without in reservation that my experience there and that of my group was an unforgettable one.
The worship was incredible and powerful! I felt God move, and it wasn't just the rush of being with a bunch of other kids my age! The messages were powerful and God really spoke into my life through the words of the speaker. Me and my group attended the early morning prayers, and on one morning, I was asked to pray in representation for our church. I had no idea what I was going to say, but as soon as I took the mic God gave me the words and I just prayed them, speaking revival into those attending the camp and in our city and church.
My camp experience was amazing, and I will never, EVER forget it.
And then, in October, our group went once again to a youth convention in Salem, Oregon, where the workshops were repetitive and the sermons something that I had heard time and time again. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. But the worship was still powerful and moving and refreshing at the same time.
When we got back, my youth leaders informed me that we would be ministering to the poor and homeless of Portland, with a ministry called Bridgetown Inc. When I was informed of this, I immediately felt that this was something God wanted me to do, and that I wanted to do as well. I felt God tugging on my heart and leading me toward the service of others, which is an ongoing struggle in my life.
With the trip to Portland not being until July of 2012, I continue to anticipate the ways God will use me to minister to the poor and homeless of Portland.
As the days turned into weeks and in turn, transformed into months, it was New Years before I knew it! I now sit here, writing to you, in the hopes that this will influence you to make, yet again, a New Year resolution... Allow God to work in your life, and offer up your will to Him. Give Him all control. And dedicate the coming year to Him.
God bless!