Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Starcrafters Saga - Book 2

I have been working hard on the sequel to TSS book 1 (currently undergoing a round of naming ideas). 
Thus far I have found that writing the second part of the Starcrafters' stories has been great. And, surprisingly, quite easy. 
I believe that the simplicity of writing it is due to the lack of the need of character development (unless new characters are being added).
Up to this point, I have sincerely enjoyed writing the funny, emotional, serious, and cool scenes contained in the longest chapter I've written... chapter one. :)
I do know this was a short post. However, it was on my mind, therefore it is now on my blog. ^_^

Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. When I heard the name Starcraft, I thought that this was going to be Science fiction, but your blog says that it isn't. Maybe you should look for some names that don't sound like science fiction?
    If you ever need any help brainstorming for names, I'm pretty good at thinking up names. I wrote a list of like fifty possible names for my first book in my series lol and I'm still not positive on what the name is going to be.
